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Corporate Sustainability & Social Commitment

The cornerstones of Cerium Networks Corporate Sustainability are our employees, our communities, our environment and our financial viability.


Core Business Purpose — Cerium Networks adheres to policies and processes to ensure transparency, fairness, diversity and inclusion in our workplace. Cerium Networks purpose “ Connecting your business to its potential” is supported by our commitment and focus on:

  • Associates: Creating and sustaining trust, collaboration and support
  • Clients: We provide consistent and superior client experience
  • Growth: Pursue sustainable growth

Hybrid and Remote Work
Cerium Networks provides opportunities for remote work which provides employees the flexibility needed in the business environment today. Cerium continually invests in technology infrastructure and tools which provide full and effective real-time communication and productivity within a secure environment which is foundational to remote work.

Professional Development
Cerium Networks provides leadership training opportunities in partnership with Gonzaga University; technical certifications delivered by manufacturers, and focus on promoting from within for leadership positions within the organization.

Competitive Benefits
Cerium Networks provides extremely competitive benefits providing stability for individuals and their families, financial protection, and employee retention. Benefit planning seminars are provided and include employees and their dependents.

Apprentice Program
Cerium Networks has an established program that enrolls individuals in a focused IT and network training program. A Cerium apprentice is given the unique opportunity to learn and grow in concept, theories, and real-life experience with the benefit of compensation and future position with Cerium Networks.

Employee Engagement
Cerium Networks’ corporate sustainability initiatives are included on our intranet employees’ website. We provide education via the website on eco-friendly practices to be utilized both at home and at work.


Cerium Networks Environmental Sustainability Mission Statement

Cerium Networks is dedicated to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. Our commitment extends beyond words; it drives actionable steps to protect our planet and create positive change.

Environmental Sustainability Goals

By December 31, 2024
Migrate 85% of business applications to the cloud reducing hardware and carbon footprint.

By January 1, 2026
Manage remote work to ensure alignment with business needs by converting 40 fulltime in office positions to hybrid positions to in office three days a week and remote 2 days a week.

By January 1, 2026
Reduction in employee travel by 20%.

Reduction of Plastic
Cerium Networks is committed to reducing single use plastics. Filtered water stations have been installed in all Cerium offices reducing plastic waste. Cerium has provisioned our break areas with silverware for employee use that is washed, not disposed of. Efforts are ongoing to further reduce single use items and packaging within Cerium.

Cerium Networks consolidated our warehouse facilities to a single warehouse located in Seattle. We have implemented effective recycling programs which include packaging sorted, paper documents shredded and all recycled according to local and state guidelines. Electronics are recycled by certified organizations specializing in E-Waste and with standards of 100% recycling with zero waste and zero landfills.

Reduction of Carbon Footprint
Cerium has taken significant steps to minimize its environmental impact. By transitioning in-office roles to hybrid positions, Cerium has achieved several key benefits. First, the reduction in office square footage has led to decreased power, electrical, water, and waste consumption. This move not only saves costs but also contributes to a greener workplace.

Moreover, Cerium’s commitment to remote work has been instrumental in reducing employee commutes. Approximately 25% of the company’s teams now work remotely, resulting in fewer cars on the road and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. Employees enjoy a better work-life balance, and the planet benefits from reduced carbon output.

In addition to these measures, Cerium has upgraded all its lighting—both interior and exterior—to energy-efficient LED technology. The parking lot, too, now boasts LED lights, further enhancing sustainability. By making this switch, Cerium has not only reduced its energy consumption but also extended the lifespan of its lighting fixtures.

Cerium is actively migrating on-premises applications and compute to cloud-based solutions wherever possible. This strategic move not only improves efficiency but also reduces power consumption and carbon emissions. The cloud allows for streamlined operations without the need for extensive physical infrastructure.


Social Responsibility
Cerium Networks is an active and a financial support of charitable organizations within our communities such as Boys and Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Ronald McDonald House, Executive Women (EWI) and their support of literacy within the community. Cerium encourages and supports our employees in their volunteer activities with time off to be actively engaged with local charities and organizations focused on local conservation and restoration efforts along with financial support.


Financial Viability
Cerium’s continual investment and focus developing a skilled workforce through professional development, leadership training, technical skills and our valued Apprentice program increases employee retention. A highly skilled workforce enables Cerium to meet our client’s requirements for knowledgeable and skilled resources to help ensure their success and Cerium’s success.

Product life cycle assessment is a key metric in the determination of Cerium’s technology changes and acquisitions. Cerium prioritizes suppliers with strong environmental practices.

Continuous Improvement

Cerium’s sustainability initiates are regularly reviewed, updated, and shared with the entire Cerium team to educate and build awareness. Cerium is committed to seeking innovative solutions which support our employees, our clients, and our communities.

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