Cerium 1463°
Customer Support Portal
Cerium 1463° is our customer support portal, providing our customers with self-serve access to their support tickets and alarms. Customers can submit and modify support tickets, review the history of resolved tickets, and see past alarms.
Cerium 1463° has a clean intuitive interface so users can get to the information they need quickly. Developed with state of the art web technologies, the site adapts to mobile devices, making it easier than ever to get/make updates on your support tickets, from anywhere on any device.
- Enter new tickets
- View and comment on existing tickets
- View alarms
- Clearly defined tabs with customer information
- Tailored contact information
What's Behind the Name
1463° Fahrenheit is the temperature at which the element Cerium becomes liquid. According to Webster’s Dictionary, “liquid” is an adjective describing matter which is composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; and is a form of matter which moves smoothly and freely through spaces, covering all corners, all nooks and crannies. This is how Cerium wants to provide coverage to our customers’ needs. And that’s why we chose 1463°as the name for our new customer portal.